Package 'gips'

Title: Gaussian Model Invariant by Permutation Symmetry
Description: Find the permutation symmetry group such that the covariance matrix of the given data is approximately invariant under it. Discovering such a permutation decreases the number of observations needed to fit a Gaussian model, which is of great use when it is smaller than the number of variables. Even if that is not the case, the covariance matrix found with 'gips' approximates the actual covariance with less statistical error. The methods implemented in this package are described in Graczyk et al. (2022) <doi:10.1214/22-AOS2174>.
Authors: Adam Przemysław Chojecki [aut, cre], Paweł Morgen [aut], Bartosz Kołodziejek [aut]
Maintainer: Adam Przemysław Chojecki <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Built: 2025-03-11 04:16:56 UTC

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Akaike's An Information Criterion for gips class


Akaike's An Information Criterion for gips class


## S3 method for class 'gips'
AIC(object, ..., k = 2)

## S3 method for class 'gips'
BIC(object, ...)



An object of class gips. Usually, a result of a find_MAP().


Further arguments will be ignored.


Numeric, the penalty per parameter to be used. The default k = 2 is the classical AIC.


AIC.gips() returns calculated Akaike's An Information Criterion

When the multivariate normal model does not exist (number_of_observations < n0), it returns NULL. When the multivariate normal model cannot be reasonably approximated (output of project_matrix() is singular), it returns Inf.

In both failure situations, shows a warning. More information can be found in the Existence of likelihood section of logLik.gips().

BIC.gips() returns calculated Schwarz's Bayesian Information Criterion.


  • BIC(gips): Schwarz's Bayesian Information Criterion

Calculation details

For more details and used formulas, see the Information Criterion - AIC and BIC section in vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or its pkgdown page.

See Also

  • AIC(), BIC() - Generic functions this AIC.gips() and BIC.gips() extend.

  • find_MAP() - Usually, the AIC.gips() and BIC.gips() are called on the output of find_MAP().

  • logLik.gips() - Calculates the log-likelihood for the gips object. An important part of the Information Criteria.


S <- matrix(c(
  5.15, 2.05, 3.10, 1.99,
  2.05, 5.09, 2.03, 3.07,
  3.10, 2.03, 5.21, 1.97,
  1.99, 3.07, 1.97, 5.13
), nrow = 4)
g <- gips(S, 14)
g_map <- find_MAP(g, optimizer = "brute_force")

AIC(g) # 238
AIC(g_map) # 224 < 238, so g_map is better than g according to AIC
# ================================================================================
BIC(g) # 244
BIC(g_map) # 226 < 244, so g_map is better than g according to BIC

Transform the gips object to a character vector


Implementation of the S3 method.


## S3 method for class 'gips'
as.character(x, ...)



An object of a gips class.


Further arguments (currently ignored).


Returns an object of a character type.

See Also


A <- matrix(rnorm(4 * 4), nrow = 4)
S <- t(A) %*% A
g <- gips(S, 14, perm = "(123)")

Transform the gips_perm object to a character vector


Implementation of the S3 method.


## S3 method for class 'gips_perm'
as.character(x, ...)



An object of a gips_perm class.


Further arguments (currently ignored).


Returns an object of a character type.

See Also


g_perm <- gips_perm("(5,4)", 5)

Calculate Gamma function


It calculates the value of the integral defined in Definition 11 from references. It implements Theorem 8 from references and uses the formula (19) from references.


calculate_gamma_function(perm, lambda)



An object of a gips_perm class. It can also be of a gips class, but it will be interpreted as the underlying gips_perm.


A positive real number.


Returns the value of the Gamma function of the colored cone (for the definition of the colored cone, see the Basic definitions section in vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or in its pkgdown page).


Piotr Graczyk, Hideyuki Ishi, Bartosz Kołodziejek, Hélène Massam. "Model selection in the space of Gaussian models invariant by symmetry." The Annals of Statistics, 50(3) 1747-1774 June 2022. arXiv link; doi:10.1214/22-AOS2174

See Also


id_perm <- gips_perm("()", 2)
calculate_gamma_function(id_perm, 0.5001) # 10.7...
calculate_gamma_function(id_perm, 0.50000001) # 19.9...
calculate_gamma_function(id_perm, 0.500000000001) # 29.1...

oldw <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1)
calculate_gamma_function(id_perm, 0.5) # Inf
# Integral diverges; returns Inf and warning
options(warn = oldw)

Compare the posteriori probabilities of 2 permutations


Check which permutation is more likely and how much more likely.


  perm2 = "()",
  S = NULL,
  number_of_observations = NULL,
  delta = 3,
  D_matrix = NULL,
  was_mean_estimated = TRUE,
  print_output = TRUE,
  digits = 3

  perm2 = "()",
  S = NULL,
  number_of_observations = NULL,
  delta = 3,
  D_matrix = NULL,
  was_mean_estimated = TRUE,
  print_output = TRUE,
  digits = 3


perm1, perm2

Permutations to compare. How many times perm1 is more likely than perm2? Those can be provided as the gips objects, the gips_perm objects, or anything that can be used as the x parameter in the gips_perm() function. They do not have to be of the same class.

S, number_of_observations, delta, D_matrix, was_mean_estimated

The same parameters as in the gips() function. If at least one of perm1 or perm2 is a gips object, they are overwritten with those from the gips object.


A boolean. When TRUE (default), the computed value will be printed with additional text and returned invisibly. When FALSE, the computed value will be returned visibly.


Integer. Only used when print_output = TRUE. The number of digits after the comma to print. It can be negative, can be +Inf. It is passed to base::round().


The function compare_posteriories_of_perms() returns the value of how many times the perm1 is more likely than perm2.

The function compare_log_posteriories_of_perms() returns the logarithm of how many times the perm1 is more likely than perm2.


  • compare_log_posteriories_of_perms(): More stable, logarithmic version of compare_posteriories_of_perms(). The natural logarithm is used.

See Also

  • print.gips() - The function that prints the posterior of the optimized gips object compared to the starting permutation.

  • summary.gips() - The function that calculates the posterior of the optimized gips object compared to the starting permutation.

  • find_MAP() - The function that finds the permutation that maximizes log_posteriori_of_gips().

  • log_posteriori_of_gips() - The function this compare_posteriories_of_perms() calls underneath.


require("MASS") # for mvrnorm()

perm_size <- 6
mu <- runif(6, -10, 10) # Assume we don't know the mean
sigma_matrix <- matrix(
  data = c(
    1.05, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,
    0.8, 1.05, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6,
    0.6, 0.8, 1.05, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4,
    0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.05, 0.8, 0.6,
    0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.05, 0.8,
    0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.05
  nrow = perm_size, byrow = TRUE
) # sigma_matrix is a matrix invariant under permutation (1,2,3,4,5,6)
number_of_observations <- 13
Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(number_of_observations, mu = mu, Sigma = sigma_matrix)
S <- cov(Z) # Assume we have to estimate the mean

g <- gips(S, number_of_observations)
g_map <- find_MAP(g, max_iter = 10, show_progress_bar = FALSE, optimizer = "Metropolis_Hastings")

compare_posteriories_of_perms(g_map, g, print_output = TRUE)
exp(compare_log_posteriories_of_perms(g_map, g, print_output = FALSE))

Find the Maximum A Posteriori Estimation


Use one of the optimization algorithms to find the permutation that maximizes a posteriori probability based on observed data. Not all optimization algorithms will always find the MAP, but they try to find a significant value. More information can be found in the "Possible algorithms to use as optimizers" section below.


  max_iter = NA,
  optimizer = NA,
  show_progress_bar = TRUE,
  save_all_perms = FALSE,
  return_probabilities = FALSE



Object of a gips class.


The number of iterations for an algorithm to perform. At least 2. For optimizer = "BF", it is not used; for optimizer = "MH", it has to be finite; for optimizer = "HC", it can be infinite.


The optimizer for the search of the maximum posteriori:

  • "BF" (the default for unoptimized g with ⁠perm size <= 9⁠) - Brute Force;

  • "MH" (the default for unoptimized g with ⁠perm size > 10⁠) - Metropolis-Hastings;

  • "HC" - Hill Climbing;

  • "continue" (the default for optimized g) - The same as the g was optimized by (see Examples).

See the Possible algorithms to use as optimizers section below for more details.


A boolean. Indicate whether or not to show the progress bar:

  • When max_iter is infinite, show_progress_bar has to be FALSE;

  • When return_probabilities = TRUE, then shows an additional progress bar for the time when the probabilities are calculated.


A boolean. TRUE indicates saving a list of all permutations visited during optimization. This can be useful sometimes but needs a lot more RAM.


A boolean. TRUE can only be provided only when save_all_perms = TRUE. For:

  • optimizer = "MH" - use Metropolis-Hastings results to estimate posterior probabilities;

  • optimizer = "BF" - use brute force results to calculate exact posterior probabilities.

These additional calculations are costly, so a second and third progress bar is shown (when show_progress_bar = TRUE).

To examine probabilities after optimization, call get_probabilities_from_gips().


find_MAP() can produce a warning when:

  • the optimizer "hill_climbing" gets to the end of its max_iter without converging.

  • the optimizer will find the permutation with smaller n0 than number_of_observations (for more information on what it means, see CσC_\sigma and n0 section in the vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or in its pkgdown page).


Returns an optimized object of a gips class.

Possible algorithms to use as optimizers

For an in-depth explanation, see in the vignette("Optimizers", package = "gips") or in its pkgdown page.

For every algorithm, there are some aliases available.

  • "brute_force", "BF", "full" - use the Brute Force algorithm that checks the whole permutation space of a given size. This algorithm will find the actual Maximum A Posteriori Estimation, but it is very computationally expensive for bigger spaces. We recommend Brute Force only for p <= 9. For the time the Brute Force takes on our machines, see in the vignette("Optimizers", package = "gips") or in its pkgdown page.

  • "Metropolis_Hastings", "MH" - use the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; see Wikipedia. The algorithm will draw a random transposition in every iteration and consider changing the current state (permutation). When the max_iter is reached, the algorithm will return the best permutation calculated as the MAP Estimator. This implements the Second approach from references, section 4.1.2. This algorithm used in this context is a special case of the Simulated Annealing the user may be more familiar with; see Wikipedia.

  • "hill_climbing", "HC" - use the hill climbing algorithm; see Wikipedia. The algorithm will check all transpositions in every iteration and go to the one with the biggest a posteriori value. The optimization ends when all neighbors will have a smaller a posteriori value. If the max_iter is reached before the end, then the warning is shown, and it is recommended to continue the optimization on the output of the find_MAP() with optimizer = "continue"; see examples. Remember that p*(p-1)/2 transpositions will be checked in every iteration. For bigger p, this may be costly.


Piotr Graczyk, Hideyuki Ishi, Bartosz Kołodziejek, Hélène Massam. "Model selection in the space of Gaussian models invariant by symmetry." The Annals of Statistics, 50(3) 1747-1774 June 2022. arXiv link; doi:10.1214/22-AOS2174

See Also

  • gips() - The constructor of a gips class. The gips object is used as the g parameter of find_MAP().

  • plot.gips() - Practical plotting function for visualizing the optimization process.

  • summary.gips() - Summarize the output of optimization.

  • AIC.gips(), BIC.gips() - Get the Information Criterion of the found model.

  • get_probabilities_from_gips() - When find_MAP(return_probabilities = TRUE) was called, probabilities can be extracted with this function.

  • log_posteriori_of_gips() - The function that the optimizers of find_MAP() tries to find the argmax of.

  • forget_perms() - When the gips object was optimized with find_MAP(save_all_perms = TRUE), it will be of considerable size in RAM. forget_perms() can make such an object lighter in memory by forgetting the permutations it visited.

  • vignette("Optimizers", package = "gips") or its pkgdown page - A place to learn more about the available optimizers.

  • vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or its pkgdown page - A place to learn more about the math behind the gips package.


require("MASS") # for mvrnorm()

perm_size <- 5
mu <- runif(perm_size, -10, 10) # Assume we don't know the mean
sigma_matrix <- matrix(
  data = c(
    1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8,
    0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6,
    0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6,
    0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8,
    0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0
  nrow = perm_size, byrow = TRUE
) # sigma_matrix is a matrix invariant under permutation (1,2,3,4,5)
number_of_observations <- 13
Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(number_of_observations, mu = mu, Sigma = sigma_matrix)
S <- cov(Z) # Assume we have to estimate the mean

g <- gips(S, number_of_observations)

g_map <- find_MAP(g, max_iter = 5, show_progress_bar = FALSE, optimizer = "Metropolis_Hastings")

g_map2 <- find_MAP(g_map, max_iter = 5, show_progress_bar = FALSE, optimizer = "continue")

if (require("graphics")) {
  plot(g_map2, type = "both", logarithmic_x = TRUE)

g_map_BF <- find_MAP(g, show_progress_bar = FALSE, optimizer = "brute_force")

Forget the permutations for gips object optimized with save_all_perms = TRUE


Slim the gips object by forgetting the visited permutations from find_MAP(save_all_perms = TRUE).





An object of class gips. A result of a find_MAP(save_all_perms = TRUE).


For example, perm_size = 150 and max_iter = 150000 we checked forget_perms() saves ~350 MB of RAM.


Returns the same object g as given, but without the visited permutation list.

See Also

  • find_MAP() - The forget_perms() is called on the output of find_MAP(save_all_perms = TRUE).


A <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 10), nrow = 10)
S <- t(A) %*% A
g <- gips(S, 13, was_mean_estimated = FALSE)
g_map <- find_MAP(g,
  max_iter = 10, optimizer = "Metropolis_Hastings",
  show_progress_bar = FALSE, save_all_perms = TRUE

object.size(g_map) # ~18 KB
g_map_slim <- forget_perms(g_map)
object.size(g_map_slim) # ~8 KB

Extract probabilities for gips object optimized with return_probabilities = TRUE


After the gips object was optimized with the find_MAP(return_probabilities = TRUE) function, then those calculated probabilities can be extracted with this function.





An object of class gips. A result of a find_MAP(return_probabilities = TRUE).


Returns a numeric vector, calculated values of probabilities. Names contain permutations this probabilities represent. For gips object optimized with find_MAP(return_probabilities = FALSE), it returns a NULL object. It is sorted according to the probability.

See Also

  • find_MAP() - The get_probabilities_from_gips() is called on the output of find_MAP(return_probabilities = TRUE, save_all_perms = TRUE).

  • vignette("Optimizers", package = "gips") or its pkgdown page) - A place to learn more about the available optimizers.


g <- gips(matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1.3), nrow = 2), 13, was_mean_estimated = FALSE)
g_map <- find_MAP(g,
  optimizer = "BF", show_progress_bar = FALSE,
  return_probabilities = TRUE, save_all_perms = TRUE


Get Structure Constants


Finds constants necessary for internal calculations of integrals and eventually the posteriori probability in log_posteriori_of_gips().





An object of a gips_perm class. It can also be of a gips class, but it will be interpreted as the underlying gips_perm.


Uses Theorem 5 from references to calculate the constants.


Returns a list of 5 items: r, d, k, L, dim_omega - vectors of constants from Theorem 1 from references and the beginning of section 3.1. from references.


Piotr Graczyk, Hideyuki Ishi, Bartosz Kołodziejek, Hélène Massam. "Model selection in the space of Gaussian models invariant by symmetry." The Annals of Statistics, 50(3) 1747-1774 June 2022. arXiv link; doi:10.1214/22-AOS2174

See Also


perm <- gips_perm("(1)(2)(3)(4,5)", 5)

The constructor of a gips class.


Create a gips object. This object will contain initial data and all other information needed to find the most likely invariant permutation. It will not perform optimization. One must call the find_MAP() function to do it. See the examples below.


  delta = 3,
  D_matrix = NULL,
  was_mean_estimated = TRUE,
  perm = ""





A matrix; empirical covariance matrix. When Z is the observed data:

  • if one does not know the theoretical mean and has to estimate it with the observed mean, use S = cov(Z), and leave parameter was_mean_estimated = TRUE as default;

  • if one know the theoretical mean is 0, use S = (t(Z) %*% Z) / number_of_observations, and set parameter was_mean_estimated = FALSE.


A number of data points that S is based on.


A number, hyper-parameter of a Bayesian model. It has to be strictly bigger than 1. See the Hyperparameters section below.


Symmetric, positive-definite matrix of the same size as S. Hyper-parameter of a Bayesian model. When NULL, the (hopefully) reasonable one is derived from the data. For more details, see the Hyperparameters section below.


A boolean.

  • Set TRUE (default) when your S parameter is a result of a stats::cov() function.

  • Set FALSE when your S parameter is a result of a (t(Z) %*% Z) / number_of_observations calculation.


An optional permutation to be the base for the gips object. It can be of a gips_perm or a permutation class, or anything the function permutations::permutation() can handle. It can also be of a gips class, but it will be interpreted as the underlying gips_perm.


A list with a single element of a gips_perm class. The base object for the gips object.


For internal use only. NULL or the list with information about the optimization process.


Object to be checked whether it is a proper object of a gips class.


gips() returns an object of a gips class after the safety checks.

new_gips() returns an object of a gips class without the safety checks.

validate_gips() returns its argument unchanged. If the argument is not a proper element of a gips class, it produces an error.


  • new_gips(): Constructor. It is only intended for low-level use.

  • validate_gips(): Validator. It is only intended for low-level use.

Methods for a gips class


We encourage the user to try D_matrix = d * I, where I is an identity matrix of a size ⁠p x p⁠ and d > 0 for some different d. When d is small compared to the data (e.g., d=0.1 * mean(diag(S))), bigger structures will be found. When d is big compared to the data (e.g., d=100 * mean(diag(S))), the posterior distribution does not depend on the data.

Taking D_matrix = d * I is equivalent to setting S <- S / d.

The default for D_matrix is D_matrix = d * I, where d = mean(diag(S)), which is equivalent to modifying S so that the mean value on the diagonal is 1.

In the Bayesian model, the prior distribution for the covariance matrix is a generalized case of Wishart distribution.

For a brief introduction, see the Bayesian model selection section in vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or in its pkgdown page).

For analysis of the Hyperparameters influence, see Section 3.2. of "Learning permutation symmetries with gips in R" by gips developers Adam Chojecki, Paweł Morgen, and Bartosz Kołodziejek, available on arXiv:2307.00790.

See Also

  • stats::cov() - The S parameter, as an empirical covariance matrix, is most of the time a result of the cov() function. For more information, see Wikipedia - Estimation of covariance matrices.

  • find_MAP() - The function that finds the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Estimator for a given gips object.

  • gips_perm() - The constructor of a gips_perm class. The gips_perm object is used as the base object for the gips object. To be more precise, the base object for gips is a one-element list of a gips_perm object.


require("MASS") # for mvrnorm()

perm_size <- 5
mu <- runif(5, -10, 10) # Assume we don't know the mean
sigma_matrix <- matrix(
  data = c(
    1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8,
    0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6,
    0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6,
    0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8,
    0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0
  nrow = perm_size, byrow = TRUE
) # sigma_matrix is a matrix invariant under permutation (1,2,3,4,5)
number_of_observations <- 13
Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(number_of_observations, mu = mu, Sigma = sigma_matrix)
S <- cov(Z) # Assume we have to estimate the mean

g <- gips(S, number_of_observations)

g_map <- find_MAP(g, show_progress_bar = FALSE, optimizer = "brute_force")


if (require("graphics")) {
  plot(g_map, type = "both", logarithmic_x = TRUE)

Permutation object


Create permutation objects to be passed to other functions of the gips package.


gips_perm(x, size)

new_gips_perm(rearranged_cycles, size)




A single object that can be interpreted by the permutations::permutation() function. For example, the character of a form "(1,2)(4,5)". See examples. It can also be of a gips class but it will be interpreted as the underlying gips_perm.


An integer. Size of a permutation (AKA cardinality of a set, on which permutation is defined. See examples).


A list of rearranged integer vectors. Each vector corresponds to a single cycle of a permutation.


Object to be checked whether it is a proper object of a gips_perm class.


gips_perm() returns an object of a gips_perm class after the safety checks.

new_gips_perm() returns an object of a gips_perm class without the safety checks.

validate_gips_perm() returns its argument unchanged. If the argument is not a proper element of a gips_perm class, it produces an error.


  • new_gips_perm(): Constructor. Only intended for low-level use.

  • validate_gips_perm(): Validator. Only intended for low-level use.

Methods for a gips class

See Also


# All 7 following lines give the same output:
gperm <- gips_perm("(12)(45)", 5)
gperm <- gips_perm("(1,2)(4,5)", 5)
gperm <- gips_perm(as.matrix(c(2, 1, 3, 5, 4)), 5)
gperm <- gips_perm(t(as.matrix(c(2, 1, 3, 5, 4))), 5) # both way for a matrix works
gperm <- gips_perm(list(list(c(2, 1), c(4, 5))), 5)
gperm <- gips_perm(permutations::as.word(c(2, 1, 3, 5, 4)), 5)
gperm <- gips_perm(permutations::as.cycle("(1,2)(4,5)"), 5)

# note the necessity of the `size` parameter:
gperm <- gips_perm("(12)(45)", 5)
gperm <- gips_perm("(12)(45)", 7) # this one is a different permutation

try(gperm <- gips_perm("(12)(45)", 4))
# Error, `size` was set to 4, while the permutation has the element 5.

A log of a posteriori that the covariance matrix is invariant under permutation


More precisely, it is the logarithm of an unnormalized posterior probability. It is the goal function for optimization algorithms in the find_MAP() function. The perm_proposal that maximizes this function is the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Estimator.





An object of a gips class.


It is calculated using formulas (33) and (27) from references.

If Inf or NaN is reached, it produces a warning.


Returns a value of the logarithm of an unnormalized A Posteriori.


Piotr Graczyk, Hideyuki Ishi, Bartosz Kołodziejek, Hélène Massam. "Model selection in the space of Gaussian models invariant by symmetry." The Annals of Statistics, 50(3) 1747-1774 June 2022. arXiv link; doi:10.1214/22-AOS2174

See Also

  • calculate_gamma_function() - The function that calculates the value needed for log_posteriori_of_gips().

  • get_structure_constants() - The function that calculates the structure constants needed for log_posteriori_of_gips().

  • find_MAP() - The function that optimizes the log_posteriori_of_gips function.

  • compare_posteriories_of_perms() - Uses log_posteriori_of_gips() to compare a posteriori of two permutations.

  • vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or its pkgdown page - A place to learn more about the math behind the gips package.


# In the space with p = 2, there is only 2 permutations:
perm1 <- permutations::as.cycle("(1)(2)")
perm2 <- permutations::as.cycle("(1,2)")
S1 <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
g1 <- gips(S1, 100, perm = perm1)
g2 <- gips(S1, 100, perm = perm2)
log_posteriori_of_gips(g1) # -134.1615, this is the MAP Estimator
log_posteriori_of_gips(g2) # -138.1695

exp(log_posteriori_of_gips(g1) - log_posteriori_of_gips(g2)) # 55.0
# g1 is 55 times more likely than g2.
# This is the expected outcome because S[1,1] significantly differs from S[2,2].

compare_posteriories_of_perms(g1, g2)
# The same result, but presented in a more pleasant way

# ========================================================================

S2 <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1.1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
g1 <- gips(S2, 100, perm = perm1)
g2 <- gips(S2, 100, perm = perm2)
log_posteriori_of_gips(g1) # -98.40984
log_posteriori_of_gips(g2) # -95.92039, this is the MAP Estimator

exp(log_posteriori_of_gips(g2) - log_posteriori_of_gips(g1)) # 12.05
# g2 is 12 times more likely than g1.
# This is the expected outcome because S[1,1] is very close to S[2,2].

compare_posteriories_of_perms(g2, g1)
# The same result, but presented in a more pleasant way

Extract the Log-Likelihood for gips class


Calculates Log-Likelihood of the sample based on the gips object.


## S3 method for class 'gips'
logLik(object, ...)



An object of class gips. Usually, a result of a find_MAP().


Further arguments will be ignored.


This will always be the biggest for perm = "()" (provided that p <= n).

If the found permutation still requires more parameters than n, the likelihood does not exist; thus the function returns NULL.

If the projected_cov (output of project_matrix()) is close to singular, the NA is returned.


Log-Likelihood of the sample. Object of class logLik.

Possible failure situations:

  • When the multivariate normal model does not exist (number_of_observations < n0), it returns NULL.

  • When the multivariate normal model cannot be reasonably approximated (output of project_matrix() is singular), it returns -Inf.

In both failure situations, it shows a warning. More information can be found in the Existence of likelihood section below.

Existence of likelihood

We only consider the non-degenerate multivariate normal model. In the gips context, such a model exists only when the number of observations is bigger or equal to n0. To get n0 for the gips object g, call summary(g)$n0.

See examples where the g_n_too_small had too small number_of_observations to have likelihood. After the optimization, the likelihood did exist.

For more information, refer to CσC_\sigma and n0 section in vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or its pkgdown page.

Calculation details

For more details and used formulas, see the Information Criterion - AIC and BIC section in vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or its pkgdown page.

See Also

  • logLik() - Generic function this logLik.gips() extends.

  • find_MAP() - Usually, the logLik.gips() is called on the output of find_MAP().

  • AIC.gips(), BIC.gips() - Often, one is more interested in an Information Criterion AIC or BIC.

  • summary.gips() - One can get n0 by calling summary(g)$n0. To see why one may be interested in n0, see the Existence of likelihood section above.

  • project_matrix() - Project the known matrix onto the found permutations space. It is mentioned in the Calculation details section above.


S <- matrix(c(
  5.15, 2.05, 3.60, 1.99,
  2.05, 5.09, 2.03, 3.57,
  3.60, 2.03, 5.21, 1.97,
  1.99, 3.57, 1.97, 5.13
), nrow = 4)
g <- gips(S, 5)
logLik(g) # -32.67048
# For perm = "()", which is default, there is p + choose(p, 2) degrees of freedom

g_map <- find_MAP(g, optimizer = "brute_force")
logLik(g_map) # -32.6722 # this will always be smaller than `logLik(gips(S, n, perm = ""))`

g_n_too_small <- gips(S, number_of_observations = 4)
logLik(g_n_too_small) # NULL # the likelihood does not exists
summary(g_n_too_small)$n0 # 5, but we set number_of_observations = 4, which is smaller

g_MAP <- find_MAP(g_n_too_small)
logLik(g_MAP) # -24.94048, this is no longer NULL
summary(g_MAP)$n0 # 2

Plot optimized matrix or optimization gips object


Plot the heatmap of the MAP covariance matrix estimator or the convergence of the optimization method. The plot depends on the type argument.


## S3 method for class 'gips'
  type = NA,
  logarithmic_y = TRUE,
  logarithmic_x = FALSE,
  color = NULL,
  title_text = "Convergence plot",
  xlabel = NULL,
  ylabel = NULL,
  show_legend = TRUE,
  ylim = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,



Object of a gips class.


A character vector of length 1. One of c("heatmap", "MLE", "best", "all", "both", "n0", "block_heatmap"):

  • "heatmap", "MLE" - Plots a heatmap of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of the covariance matrix given the permutation. That is, the S matrix inside the gips object projected on the permutation in the gips object.

  • "best" - Plots the line of the biggest a posteriori found over time.

  • "all" - Plots the line of a posteriori for all visited states.

  • "both" - Plots both lines from "all" and "best".

  • "n0" - Plots the line of n0s that were spotted during optimization (only for "MH" optimization).

  • "block_heatmap" - Plots a heatmap of diagonally block representation of S. Non-block entries (equal to 0) are white for better clarity. For more information, see Block Decomposition - [1], Theorem 1 section in vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or in its pkgdown page.

The default value is NA, which will be changed to "heatmap" for non-optimized gips objects and to "both" for optimized ones. Using the default produces a warning. All other arguments are ignored for the type = "heatmap", type = "MLE", or type = "block_heatmap".

logarithmic_y, logarithmic_x

A boolean. Sets the axis of the plot in logarithmic scale.


Vector of colors to be used to plot lines.


Text to be in the title of the plot.


Text to be on the bottom of the plot.


Text to be on the left of the plot.


A boolean. Whether or not to show a legend.


Limits of the y axis. When NULL, the minimum, and maximum of the log_posteriori_of_gips() are taken.


Limits of the x axis. When NULL, the whole optimization process is shown.


Additional arguments passed to other various elements of the plot.


When type is one of "best", "all", "both" or "n0", returns an invisible NULL. When type is one of "heatmap", "MLE" or "block_heatmap", returns an object of class ggplot.

See Also

  • find_MAP() - Usually, the plot.gips() is called on the output of find_MAP().

  • project_matrix() - The function used with type = "MLE".

  • gips() - The constructor of a gips class. The gips object is used as the x parameter.


require("MASS") # for mvrnorm()

perm_size <- 6
mu <- runif(6, -10, 10) # Assume we don't know the mean
sigma_matrix <- matrix(
  data = c(
    1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,
    0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6,
    0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4,
    0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6,
    0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8,
    0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0
  nrow = perm_size, byrow = TRUE
) # sigma_matrix is a matrix invariant under permutation (1,2,3,4,5,6)
number_of_observations <- 13
Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(number_of_observations, mu = mu, Sigma = sigma_matrix)
S <- cov(Z) # Assume we have to estimate the mean

g <- gips(S, number_of_observations)
if (require("graphics")) {
  plot(g, type = "MLE")

g_map <- find_MAP(g, max_iter = 30, show_progress_bar = FALSE, optimizer = "hill_climbing")
if (require("graphics")) {
  plot(g_map, type = "both", logarithmic_x = TRUE)

if (require("graphics")) {
  plot(g_map, type = "MLE")
# Now, the output is (most likely) different because the permutation
  # `g_map[[1]]` is (most likely) not an identity permutation.

g_map_MH <- find_MAP(g, max_iter = 30, show_progress_bar = FALSE, optimizer = "MH")
if (require("graphics")) {
  plot(g_map_MH, type = "n0")

Prepare orthogonal matrix


Calculate the orthogonal matrix U_Gamma for decomposition in Theorem 1 from references.


prepare_orthogonal_matrix(perm, perm_size = NULL, basis = NULL)



An object of a gips_perm or anything a gips_perm() can handle. It can also be of a gips class, but it will be interpreted as the underlying gips_perm.


Size of a permutation. Required if perm is neither gips_perm nor gips.


A matrix with basis vectors in COLUMNS. Identity by default.


Given X - a matrix invariant under the permutation perm. Call Gamma the permutations cyclic group: Γ=<perm>={perm,perm2,...}\Gamma = <perm> = \{perm, perm^2, ...\}.

Then, UΓU_\Gamma is such an orthogonal matrix, which block-diagonalizes X.

To be more precise, the matrix t(U_Gamma) %*% X %*% U_Gamma has a block-diagonal structure, which is ensured by Theorem 1 from references.

The formula for U_Gamma can be found in Theorem 6 from references.

A nice example is demonstrated in the Block Decomposition - [1], Theorem 1 section of vignette("Theory", package="gips") or its pkgdown page.


A square matrix of size perm_size by perm_size with columns from vector elements vk(c)v_k^{(c)} according to Theorem 6 from references.


Piotr Graczyk, Hideyuki Ishi, Bartosz Kołodziejek, Hélène Massam. "Model selection in the space of Gaussian models invariant by symmetry." The Annals of Statistics, 50(3) 1747-1774 June 2022. arXiv link; doi:10.1214/22-AOS2174

See Also

  • project_matrix() - A function used in examples to show the properties of prepare_orthogonal_matrix().

  • Block Decomposition - [1], Theorem 1 section of vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or its pkgdown page - A place to learn more about the math behind the gips package and see more examples of prepare_orthogonal_matrix().


gperm <- gips_perm("(1,2,3)(4,5)", 5)
U_Gamma <- prepare_orthogonal_matrix(gperm)

number_of_observations <- 10
X <- matrix(rnorm(5 * number_of_observations), number_of_observations, 5)
S <- cov(X)
X <- project_matrix(S, perm = gperm) # this matrix in invariant under gperm

block_decomposition <- t(U_Gamma) %*% X %*% U_Gamma
round(block_decomposition, 5) # the non-zeros only on diagonal and [1,2] and [2,1]

Printing gips object


Printing function for a gips class.


## S3 method for class 'gips'
  digits = 3,
  compare_to_original = TRUE,
  log_value = FALSE,
  oneline = FALSE,



An object of a gips class.


The number of digits after the comma for a posteriori to be presented. It can be negative. By default, Inf. It is passed to base::round().


A logical. Whether to print how many times more likely is the current permutation compared to:

  • the identity permutation ⁠()⁠ (for unoptimized gips object);

  • the starting permutation (for optimized gips object).


A logical. Whether to print the logarithmic value. Default to FALSE.


A logical. Whether to print in one or multiple lines. Default to FALSE.


The additional arguments passed to base::cat().


Returns an invisible NULL.

See Also

  • find_MAP() - The function that makes an optimized gips object out of the unoptimized one.

  • compare_posteriories_of_perms() - The function that prints the compared posteriories between any two permutations, not only compared to the starting one or id.


S <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
g <- gips(S, 10, perm = "(12)")
print(g, digits = 4, oneline = TRUE)

Printing gips_perm object


Printing function for a gips_perm class.


## S3 method for class 'gips_perm'
print(x, ...)



An object of a gips_perm class.


Further arguments (currently ignored).


Returns an invisible NULL.


gperm <- gips_perm("(5,4)", 5)

Project matrix after optimization


After the MAP permutation was found with find_MAP(), use this permutation to approximate the covariance matrix with bigger statistical confidence.


project_matrix(S, perm, precomputed_equal_indices = NULL)



A square matrix to be projected. The empirical covariance matrix. (See the S parameter in the gips() function). When it is not positive semi-definite, it shows a warning of a class not_positive_semi_definite_matrix.


A permutation to be projected on. An object of a gips class, a gips_perm class, or anything that can be used as the x argument in the gips_perm() function.


This parameter is for internal use only.


Project matrix on the space of symmetrical matrices invariant by a cyclic group generated by perm. This implements the formal Definition 3 from references.

When S is the sample covariance matrix (output of cov() function, see examples), then S is the unbiased estimator of the covariance matrix. However, the maximum likelihood estimator of the covariance matrix is S*(n-1)/(n), unless n < p, when the maximum likelihood estimator does not exist. For more information, see Wikipedia - Estimation of covariance matrices.

The maximum likelihood estimator differs when one knows the covariance matrix is invariant under some permutation. This estimator will be symmetric AND have some values repeated (see examples and Corollary 12 from references).

The estimator will be invariant under the given permutation. Also, it will need fewer observations for the maximum likelihood estimator to exist (see Project Matrix - Equation (6) section in vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or in its pkgdown page). For some permutations, even n=2n = 2 could be enough. The minimal number of observations needed are named n0 and can be calculated by summary.gips().

For more details, see the Project Matrix - Equation (6) section in vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or in its pkgdown page.


Returns the matrix S projected on the space of symmetrical matrices invariant by a cyclic group generated by perm. See Details for more.

See Also

  • Wikipedia - Estimation of covariance matrices

  • Project Matrix - Equation (6) section of vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or its pkgdown page - A place to learn more about the math behind the gips package and see more examples of project_matrix().

  • find_MAP() - The function that finds the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Estimator for a given gips object. After the MAP Estimator is found, the matrix S can be projected on this permutation, creating the MAP Estimator of the covariance matrix (see examples).

  • gips_perm() - Constructor for the perm parameter.

  • plot.gips() - For plot(g, type = "MLE"), the project_matrix() is called (see examples).

  • summary.gips() - Can calculate the n0, the minimal number of observations, so that the projected matrix will be the MLE estimator of the covariance matrix.


p <- 6
my_perm <- "(14)(23)" # permutation (1,4)(2,3)(5)(6)
number_of_observations <- 10
X <- matrix(rnorm(p * number_of_observations), number_of_observations, p)
S <- cov(X)
projected_S <- project_matrix(S, perm = my_perm)
# The value in [1,1] is the same as in [4,4]; also, [2,2] and [3,3];
  # also [1,2] and [3,4]; also, [1,5] and [4,5]; and so on

# Plot the projected matrix:
g <- gips(S, number_of_observations, perm = my_perm)
plot(g, type = "MLE")

# Find the MAP Estimator of covariance
g_MAP <- find_MAP(g, max_iter = 10, show_progress_bar = FALSE, optimizer = "Metropolis_Hastings")
S_MAP <- project_matrix(attr(g, "S"), perm = g_MAP)
plot(g_MAP, type = "heatmap")

Summarizing the gips object


summary method for gips class.


## S3 method for class 'gips'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.gips'
print(x, ...)



An object of class gips. Usually, a result of a find_MAP().


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


An object of class summary.gips to be printed


The function summary.gips() computes and returns a list of summary statistics of the given gips object. Those are:

  • For unoptimized gips object:

    1. optimized - FALSE.

    2. start_permutation - the permutation this gips represents.

    3. start_permutation_log_posteriori - the log of the a posteriori value the start permutation has.

    4. times_more_likely_than_id - how many more likely the start_permutation is over the identity permutation, ⁠()⁠. It can be less than 1, meaning the identity permutation is more likely. Remember that this number can big and overflow to Inf or small and underflow to 0.

    5. log_times_more_likely_than_id - log of times_more_likely_than_id.

    6. likelihood_ratio_test_statistics, likelihood_ratio_test_p_value - statistics and p-value of Likelihood Ratio test, where the H_0 is that the data was drawn from the normal distribution with Covariance matrix invariant under the given permutation. The p-value is calculated from the asymptotic distribution. Note that this is sensibly defined only for npn \ge p.

    7. n0 - the minimum number of observations needed for the covariance matrix's maximum likelihood estimator (corresponding to a MAP) to exist. See CσC\sigma and n0 section in vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or in its pkgdown page.

    8. S_matrix - the underlying matrix. This matrix will be used in calculations of the posteriori value in log_posteriori_of_gips().

    9. number_of_observations - the number of observations that were observed for the S_matrix to be calculated. This value will be used in calculations of the posteriori value in log_posteriori_of_gips().

    10. was_mean_estimated - given by the user while creating the gips object:

      • TRUE means the S parameter was the output of stats::cov() function;

      • FALSE means the S parameter was calculated with S = t(X) %*% X / number_of_observations.

    11. delta, D_matrix - the hyperparameters of the Bayesian method. See the Hyperparameters section of gips() documentation.

    12. n_parameters - number of free parameters in the covariance matrix.

    13. AIC, BIC - output of AIC.gips() and BIC.gips() functions.

  • For optimized gips object:

    1. optimized - TRUE.

    2. found_permutation - the permutation this gips represents. The visited permutation with the biggest a posteriori value.

    3. found_permutation_log_posteriori - the log of the a posteriori value the found permutation has.

    4. start_permutation - the original permutation this gips represented before optimization. It is the first visited permutation.

    5. start_permutation_log_posteriori - the log of the a posteriori value the start permutation has.

    6. times_more_likely_than_start - how many more likely the found_permutation is over the start_permutation. It cannot be a number less than 1. Remember that this number can big and overflow to Inf.

    7. log_times_more_likely_than_start - log of times_more_likely_than_start.

    8. likelihood_ratio_test_statistics, likelihood_ratio_test_p_value - statistics and p-value of Likelihood Ratio test, where the H_0 is that the data was drawn from the normal distribution with Covariance matrix invariant under found_permutation. The p-value is calculated from the asymptotic distribution. Note that this is sensibly defined only for npn \ge p.

    9. n0 - the minimal number of observations needed for the existence of the maximum likelihood estimator (corresponding to a MAP) of the covariance matrix (see CσC\sigma and n0 section in vignette("Theory", package = "gips") or in its pkgdown page).

    10. S_matrix - the underlying matrix. This matrix will be used in calculations of the posteriori value in log_posteriori_of_gips().

    11. number_of_observations - the number of observations that were observed for the S_matrix to be calculated. This value will be used in calculations of the posteriori value in log_posteriori_of_gips().

    12. was_mean_estimated - given by the user while creating the gips object:

      • TRUE means the S parameter was output of the stats::cov() function;

      • FALSE means the S parameter was calculated with S = t(X) %*% X / number_of_observations.

    13. delta, D_matrix - the hyperparameters of the Bayesian method. See the Hyperparameters section of gips() documentation.

    14. n_parameters - number of free parameters in the covariance matrix.

    15. AIC, BIC - output of AIC.gips() and BIC.gips() functions.

    16. optimization_algorithm_used - all used optimization algorithms in order (one could start optimization with "MH", and then do an "HC").

    17. did_converge - a boolean, did the last used algorithm converge.

    18. number_of_log_posteriori_calls - how many times was the log_posteriori_of_gips() function called during the optimization.

    19. whole_optimization_time - how long was the optimization process; the sum of all optimization times (when there were multiple).

    20. log_posteriori_calls_after_best - how many times was the log_posteriori_of_gips() function called after the found_permutation; in other words, how long ago could the optimization be stopped and have the same result. If this value is small, consider running find_MAP() again with optimizer = "continue". For optimizer = "BF", it is NULL.

    21. acceptance_rate - only interesting for optimizer = "MH". How often was the algorithm accepting the change of permutation in an iteration.

The function print.summary.gips() returns an invisible NULL.

Methods (by generic)

  • print(summary.gips): Printing method for class summary.gips. Prints every interesting information in a form pleasant for humans.

See Also


require("MASS") # for mvrnorm()

perm_size <- 6
mu <- runif(6, -10, 10) # Assume we don't know the mean
sigma_matrix <- matrix(
  data = c(
    1.1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,
    0.8, 1.1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6,
    0.6, 0.8, 1.1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4,
    0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.1, 0.8, 0.6,
    0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.1, 0.8,
    0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.1
  nrow = perm_size, byrow = TRUE
) # sigma_matrix is a matrix invariant under permutation (1,2,3,4,5,6)
number_of_observations <- 13
Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(number_of_observations, mu = mu, Sigma = sigma_matrix)
S <- cov(Z) # Assume we have to estimate the mean

g <- gips(S, number_of_observations)

g_map <- find_MAP(g, max_iter = 10, show_progress_bar = FALSE, optimizer = "Metropolis_Hastings")

g_map2 <- find_MAP(g, max_iter = 10, show_progress_bar = FALSE, optimizer = "hill_climbing")
# ================================================================================
S <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
g <- gips(S, 10)